As this is the legal side of your marriage to be able for it to be a legal binding ceremony you will need some vital documents. From previous experience you can never take too much always have more than you are meant to have otherwise your appointment will be cancelled and you will have to pay for your notice of marriage again. The cost being £35 per person so £70 per couple this will also have to be booked if you are having a church wedding under the new guidelines.
Birth certificate or passport within date this would be necessary for both parties this is to prove your identity
Proof of address for both parties this could be several options this could include driving licence, council tax bill, gas, water or electric bill dated within the last 12 months, bank or building society dated within the last month or a letter from your landlord dated within the last 7 days. You only need to provide one of these per person
Proof is both or either of you have changed your name through deed poll only
If either of you have been married previously you will need to produce your decree absolute. This will be to prove that you have been married and divorced to not break any laws. If you are a female and have changed your name back to your maiden name through divorce which is perfectly normal you will need to produce your marriage certificate this will be to show and prove you changed your name through marriage. If you don’t produce your marriage certificate the appointment will be cancelled as they need to see the trail of your name from birth certificate to previous marriage then your decree to show your name back to your maiden name.
If you are a widower in order for you to remarry you would need to provide your partners death certificate.
Finally you will need to bring documents to show your final venue for your ceremony this would be your contract. This is to be able to put the information on your marriage certificate.
All of the above must be original documents as they will not accept any documents that you may have photocopied. You will receive all your documents back once the notice of marriage appointment has finished. They will be photocopied by the lady/gentleman of who is conducting your notice of marriage.
The appointment roughly takes around 20 mins for you both. You will enter the interview room together for a couple of questions then interviewed separately and then brought back in the room together.
It sounds scary but its simple questions and just confirming what was written in the original questionnaire when you booked and paid for your notice of marriage.
Once the appointment has finished your notice of marriage will then be displayed for 28 days in public display this will be to make sure that no one has come forward to contest the information provided.
At this appointment you will be asked about your witnesses and relations they are to you so please make sure you have this information, traditionally it was 2 witnesses in total you now can have up to 4. The minimum requirement is 2 people.
Once the wedding ceremony on your wedding day has finished you will now be asked to sign a marriage schedule this is not your wedding certificate and your certificate will be produced and ready after 2 weeks of getting married. You will be asked if you would like to collect your certificate from your local registry office of where you got married or you can choose to have this posted to you 1st class recorded delivery. Included in your registrar fees 1 copy of your marriage certificate is sent to you, if you feel it would be easier to have multiple copies each additional copy costs around £12.
When getting married in church you will have to order your and pay separately for your marriage certificate at the cost of around £12. This is not included in your church ceremony costs. During peak season this may take up to 4 weeks,the registry office to aim for the 2 week deadline. After 2 weeks from your ceremony you can log on and try to order if the application is denied this will mean that your certificate is unavailable and to check every week after that.
